Other Presentations
On occasion, MCAH will host training presentations that are not part of any required certification, the HMIS Summit, or the Lunch and Learn series. Recordings of these presentations have been compiled on this page.
List of Presentations
BusinessObjects Orientation
This webinar provides an overview of the BusinessObjects reporting tool that replaces the previous tool, ART.
Agency Administrator Training
This webinar provides an overview of the role and responsibilities of an Agency Administrator within the HMIS and beyond.
Reading the SSVF Export for Data Quality
The SSVF Export is the information that SSVF provides to the VA. SSVF providers should use the export spreadsheets to check data quality. This presentation examines sample export spreadsheets to look for data quality issues.
HMIS and the New HUD Coordinated Entry Changes
This presentation covers some of the changes to Coordinated Entry in the HMIS set forward by HUD.
Privacy for System Administrators, CoC Leadership, and State Partners
This presentation was hosted by MCAH to help System Administrators, CoC leadership, and state partners better understand HMIS privacy.
Stella P Demonstration
This presentation covers a demonstration webinar hosted by MCAH regarding the Stella P reporting tool.
Preparing for the PIT Count
This presentation contains various webinars hosted by MCAH to help you prepare for the PIT count. It is important to note that not all of these webinars are held each year. While the most recent version of each webinar is included below, please note that not all webinars may apply to the current year.Documenting Chronic Homelessness
This presentation explains how to document a client’s homeless history and how to obtain three-party verification of chronic homeless status.
Project Start Move-In Date Q&A
This presentation defines a project start and helps you determine the project start date for a variety of projects. It also emphasizes which projects require a housing move-in date, how to pinpoint the date, and how to enter it into client records.